HACCP Tracker
Digital self-monitoring solution for commercial kitchen

Complete HACCP solution with automatic temperature monitoring, alarms, temperature and surface hygiene samples, task management, to-do lists, reporting and document management.

Service is delivered as an Easy Start package, where everything is completely ready and all devices pre-activated. The real-time monitoring of HACCP via an easy to use interface can begin.

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Ready-made solution for self-monitoring

A digital way to implement the restaurant’s own HACCP program plan.

Designed for easy and reliable HACCP in professional kitchens. The Easy Start package is configured according to the needs of each customer. Find out what you can track with Smart Kitchen’s digital self-monitoring. 

HACCP Tracker

Online service for HACCP control (licence) and the measurement devices you choose. A digital way to put restaurant’s own HACCP program plan (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) into practice.

  • easy to use and interactive interface
  • self-monitoring document management
  • task management
  • checklists for manual checks
  • alarms
  • reports
  • automated temperature monitoring: cold storages and dishwashers
  • temperature sampling
  • surface hygiene sampling with a luminometer
  • recordable temperature monitoring of food transport to ensure food safety
  • Easy Start delivery
ioLiving Mobile Gateway

Mobile Gateway

Gateway device with Internet connection. The device automatically connects to the Internet using a factory-installed SIM card.

Product card: Mobile Gateway

Food transport temperature tracking

Recording temperature monitoring, transports

Recordable temperature measurement ensures food safety and the transport of products at the right temperatures. Suitable for monitoring both cold and hot transport.

Product card: Food Delivery Tracker

TCL tiedonkeräyslaite

Automated temperature measurement, cold storages

A multipurpose device suitable for temperature monitoring of any refrigerator, freezer, cold room, vitrine, etc.

Product card: Measurement device TCL

Tiedonkeräyslaite BCL, pikajäähdytys

Automated blast chilling monitoring

Temperature measurement device with feature for automatic monitoring of the success of blast chilling.

Product card: Measurment device BCL

DWL tiedonkeräysanturi

Automated temperature monitoring, dishwasher

Device used to measure washing temp and rinse temp of dishwsher.

Product card: Measurement device DWL

Käsianturi I, tiedonkeräyslaite

Hand probe, temperature sample

Hand probe used with an Android phone to take temperature samples in food industry.

Product card: Measurement device I+

Hygiene samples

The Kikkoman luminometer and RayTemp infrared meter are integrated into the SmartKitchen service. The measurement data is transferred wirelessly to the service via the KitchenHelper application.

If you wish, you can also continue to use your current methods and record the results in SmartKitchen online service.

ioLiving Mobile Gateway

Surface hygiene sample

Kikkoman Lumitester Smart
Kikkoman luminometer can monitor the purity trend of ATP + ADP + AMP = A3.

ioLiving Mobile Gateway

Temperature sample with infrared meter

RayTemp Blue
Non-contact foodservice temperature measurements.

Ask more about automated HACCP solution

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If you are interested in digital management and reducing food waste in professional kitchens, book a demo. Leave us your contact information and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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